Helps to nourish body tissues, supports the body development, strengthens the immune system, facilitates sound sleep. Brahmi, Shatavari, Gulab-pushpa (Rose-petals), Manjishtha, Prasarini (Chandvel), Amla (Amalaki), Atibala, Anant-mool (Sariva/Upalsari), Behada (Bibhitak), Gokshur, Vala, Halad (Haridra), Kapurkachari (Shati), Nagakeshar, Jatamansi, Punarnava, Coconut oil, Milk (Kshir). May you have the Best of Health! This item is in the category "Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Herbal Remedies & Resins". The seller is "rhcexports-9" and is located in this country: IN.
This item can be shipped worldwide.